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Matthew Libby

Book a call with me:

Saturday Enrollment Season

This appointment opportunity is not listed publicly. You are scheduling this appointment to be at my office. If you can't come to the office and would like to meet by video conference or phone, book the slot then just let us know that we need to make accommodations.

Video Conference

If you want to meet by video conference so I can share my screen with you schedule your meeting here. Because CMS requires us to have a signed Scope of Appointment 48 hours prior to a Medicare appointment, two days from now is the soonest you can schedule.

Please follow the link below and click submit so that it returns to us. The first part is going to be information that will help us recommend the coverage you need.

The second part is a scope of appointment. This is just a permission slip to be able to look into your Medicare options. This form has to be filed out 48 hours prior to your appointment so that we can discuss your Medicare.

If you would like a non-Medicare video conference meeting sooner, schedule on the appropriate in-office schedule and then inform us you would like a video conference meeting.

Medicare Enrollment

Please follow the instructions below before scheduling.

Schedule this event for NEW MEDICARE ONLY. If you are a couple, please schedule these appointments separately, but back to back according to the type of coverage needed.  

Please follow the link below and click submit so that it returns to us. The first part is going to be information that will help us recommend the coverage you need.

The second part is a scope of appointment. This is just a permission slip to be able to look into your Medicare options. This form has to be filed out 48 hours prior to your appointment so that we can discuss your Medicare.

Please make sure this is filled out as soon as possible for us to best serve you.

Scheduling here will set the appointment at my office. If you would prefer to meet by video conference or phone, contact us to let us know after scheduling.
If you have any questions, please reach out and we will be happy to help! We look forward to helping you with all of your insurance needs!

Thank you, Matt Libby Insurance 

Healthcare Enrollment

Please read these instructions before scheduling.
Schedule this event for HEALTHCARE ONLY. If you are a couple, shopping for separate plans, please schedule these appointments separately, but back to back according to the type of coverage needed.

Please fill out the two forms below and click submit so that they return to us. The first one is going to be an informational form to help us better understand the type of coverage you need.

The second form is a consent form for us to be able to look at your Marketplace insurance options and quotes.

Please make sure these forms are filled out as soon as possible for us to best serve you.
Scheduling here will set the appointment at my office. If you would prefer to meet by video conference or phone, contact us to let us know after scheduling.
If you have any questions, please reach out and we will be happy to help! We look forward to helping you with all of your insurance needs!

Thank you, Matt Libby Insurance 

Healthcare Policy Review

Please read these instructions before scheduling.

For a Healthcare Policy Review:
Please fill out the two forms below and click submit so that they return to us. The first one is going to be an informational form to help us better understand the type of coverage you need.

The second form is a consent form for us to be able to look at your marketplace insurance options and quotes.

For a Medicare Policy review:
Please fill out the two forms below and click submit so that they return to us. The first one is going to be an informational form to help us better understand the type of coverage you need.

The second form is a scope of appointment. This is just a permission slip to be able to look into your Medicare options. This form has to be filed out 48 hours prior to your appointment so that we can discuss your Medicare.

Please make sure these forms are filled out as soon as possible for us to best serve you.
Scheduling here will set the appointment at my office. If you would prefer to meet by video conference or phone, contact us to let us know after scheduling.
If you have any questions, please reach out and we will be happy to help! We look forward to helping you with all of your insurance needs!

Thank you, Matt Libby Insurance 

Be on the Radio

If you want to be on my radio show, this is where you book your appearance. Find the date that works with your schedule and submit it. If you have specific question you would like me to ask you about let me know. You will have a chance to share how to contact you during the show.

We don't always talk insurance. If you are involved in the veterans community or have non-profit you are passionate about you can share that too.

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