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AHA Administration Team

Book a call with the AHA Membership and Administration team
Please choose the call that best suits you

Orientation call

New members and membership upgrade 

Please take some time to view the following pages before booking an orientation call:
including our prospectus

Reinstate membership call

New members and membership upgrade 

Please take some time to view the following pages:
including our prospectus

At the time of the call we will contact you from 0475 615 359

General Association query

Please take a moment to view our website regarding:

Qualified Hypnotherapists Click HERE
Recognised courses Click HERE
Information regarding joining AHA Click HERE

At the time of the call we will contact you from:

0475 615 359

Clarification regarding membership

New and returning members
General clarification regarding membership

Please take some time to view the following page

At the time of the call we will contact you from 0475 615 359

Website/Membership issues

If you need assistance uploading documents or are having website issues please book a Zoom conference call so that we can see your issue.

We will send you a zoom link for the call.

Please make sure you are booked into your AHA membership profile as we may ask you to share your screen should the need arise.
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