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Chicken Coach

Need help with your chickens? Book a chat and let me give you the right answers! We'll work through your problem with practical, expert, evidence-based solutions, that are natural where possible.

25 min Phone/Video Chicken Consult $45

25 minute chicken consult with Chicken Coach, Elise McNamara.
Consults take place via phone, unless you request video chat (happy to do either!). Please specify below.

Need help with your chickens? 
Book a chat and let me give you the right answers. We'll work through your problem with practical, expert, evidence-based solutions, that are natural where possible.

Please note that I'm NOT a vet. Please seek veterinary advice where appropriate. 
Advice is of a general nature, based on my 25 years of experience breeding and raising poultry and continuous learning from other poultry experts around the world. I have an extensive network of experts in all areas of poultry health and care and am used to dealing with complex scenarios.

45 min Phone/Video Chicken Consult $75

45 minute chicken consult with Chicken Coach, Elise McNamara.
Consults take place via phone, unless you request video chat (happy to do either!). Please specify below.

Need help with your chickens? 
Book a chat and let me give you the right answers. We'll work through your problem with practical, expert, evidence-based solutions, that are natural where possible.

Please note that I'm NOT a vet. Please seek veterinary advice where appropriate. 
Advice is of a general nature, based on my 25 years' experience breeding and raising poultry and continuous learning from other poultry experts around the world. I have an extensive network of experts in all areas of poultry health and care and am used to dealing with complex scenarios.

Virtual Chicken Coop Design Consultation + Plan $95

1-hour chicken housing design consultation with Chicken Coach, Elise McNamara.
Consults take place via phone or Zoom (happy to do either!). Please specify below.

Are you building or buying a new chicken house? Or ready for an upgrade?

Will you DIY build or buy something already assembled?

I've worked with hundreds of chicken owners. When it comes to functional chicken housing, I know what works and what really doesn't. Unfortunately, the best designs aren't #1 on Google!

Let me guide you through the 30 things I consider when planning a safe and user-friendly chicken house for your backyard or farm and recommend the exact design that will work for you. I promise to save you a lot of trouble, and money and get things right the first time (or next time)!

-Elise McNamara, Chicken Consultant & Educator
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