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Joan Feringa

Hi there, and welcome to the place to book time with me - Joan Feringa.

I'm an all round conflict and community/team/organizational health specialist, and I'm proud to be the founder of Conflict Navigator and Conflict First Aid.

Just so you know, prior to the call, we'll determine if phone, Zoom or a meeting in person is preferred (or possible). Just pick a time first and keep an eye on your email (and "Junk" folders too). You can come back here to email me at (click the blue email address) anytime if you have questions or concerns.

Welcome to Conflict First Aid's home office!

15 Minute Check In or Question Call

Book a meeting with Joan, our Principal Consultant, for 15 minutes. She will help to outline options, cover specific questions or issues and plan for next steps. This call is free of charge.

Joan | 50 Minute Conflict First Aidâ„¢ Consultation

Book a meeting with Joan for 50 minutes to get to the bottom of a problem, use the time to ask questions, make decisions, cover an agenda or consult: get coaching, strategize and arrange priorities...take on or design SAFE clear and supported next-steps for you alone or ask for additional support.

Half Day

Schedule a formal or informal working, training, or facilitated discussion, meeting or working session. Half-day means a morning, afternoon or evening session with not less than 2 1/2 hours of instruction, facilitation, or coaching. Details will be arranged as is suitable: please schedule NO LESS THAN 3 (three) weeks in advance to allow for contracting, facilities arrangements, and session customization (may need more time).

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