Drishti half day 1-1

3 hours

Wearing most of the hats in your business limits your perspective.

“Founders who surround themselves with experts in the areas that are not their own strengths build more dynamic businesses. Founders who hire those experts to accelerate the momentum allow their businesses to grow exponentially.”

Starting a business is a courageous move.

The learning curve is steep and you often have to wear many hats and understand a wide range of things in depth that you might not have expected to before. The truth is though, that you can’t be an expert at everything. You are driven, and you are smart. And you are great at the thing that you do. But you might not be an expert at sales, financial planning, automation, product development, marketing and public relations all at once. 

We meet more or less seasoned founders all the time. They, like you, are creative. Brilliant. They have visions and dreams. And there are always, without exception crucial areas that are ignored, for a range of reasons. 

So we decided to try to help bridge that gap. So often people ask us if they can pick our brains. We will do you one better, we will formally sit with you for half a day where we look in depth at your business from a 360 view. We ask you questions, and you get to ask us all of yours. After, you walk away with a game plan, with a clear idea of what you need to do next. Better than mental notes after a lunch, no?

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