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Edgeway Consulting

Discovery Consultation

Book up to a 60 minute "Discovery" meeting with us for your business to see what aspects/solutions you can implement to save your business time, money and accelerate growth!

Demo Booking Calendar

This is the booking description box.

This booking system is customizable in many ways.

*The Bookings can be booked in-person or online (Ex: Zoom Google Meets)
*Calendars from Apple /Google Calendar / Outlook calendars
*Customers can pay with: Paypal / Stripe / In person.
*You can enable multiple bookings on the same date / time slot
*You can set a "buffer time /break time" between appointments
*You can define multiple "availability" windows during the business hours
*You can set the maximum number of days that a customer is allowed to book in advanced
*Custom page redirect after booking the appointment
*Booked Customers are saved and can be exported to save the contact details
*Integrations with many other apps
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