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Brandon Lee

Book a call with me:

15 Minute Meeting

Book a meeting with me for 15 minutes!

30 Minute Meeting

Book a meeting with me for 30 minutes!

60 Minute Meeting

Book a meeting with me for 60 minutes!

1/2 Day Rate

Need immediate attention for a project? Book a half-day with me, I will clear my schedule for the chosen day and work exclusively on your project for 5 hours. This can include in your office work, zoom meeting and updates, a website project, a mobile app project, marketing project, or whatever problems you need solved.

Looking to build a website in a day? Book a full day and within 8 hours we will build you a website from scratch and launch it the same day.

Full Day Rate

Need immediate attention for a project, like a solid 8 hours of work, no distractions? Book a full-day with me, I will clear my schedule for the chosen day and work exclusively on your project for 8 hours. This can include in your office work, zoom meeting and updates, a website project, a mobile app project, marketing project, or whatever problems you need solved.

Looking to build a website in a day? Need to refresh you e-commerce site? Need help integrating technologies for your business?

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