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Karen White

Book a voice or video consult for your audiobook marketing or production strategy:

HCB Facebook Live

The HCB Audiobook Lovers FB group has a devoted and active membership and we'd love to hear from you! Authors and Narrators are welcome to promote new releases or other audiobook news.

Please note that FB Lives require that you join with the app on your phone.

The time frames were voted on by the group but if neither works for you, contact us and we'll try to find another time:

30 Minute Meeting

Book a pre-production or pre-promotion consult with me to start your audiobook marketing journey. If a promo tour is booked prior to or during this call, the cost of the consult will be applied to your promotion.

60 Meeting

Book a pre-production or pre-promotion consult with me to start your audiobook marketing journey. If a promo tour is booked during or before this call, the cost of the consult will be applied toward your promo.

Fast Five Author and Narrator interviews

Join me for a Fast Five interview on Google Meet (video or audio only, your choice) where I'll ask you five questions about audiobooks, narrating or writing, This or That for romance books, and a Would You Rather question. These short videos will be featured in upcoming Audiobook SuperFan News editions as well as on our YouTube channel.

You can see past editions of the SFN here:

If you have an upcoming release or sale that you'd like us to feature when we share your interview, please reserve a spot here, or you have audiobook downloads to give away (Bookfunnel, Spotify, Audible all work) please fill out this form:

Interviews and giveaways are free to reserve; New Release/Sale features are $25 each.

If you're unable to find a time that works for you, please email me:
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