This is the booking page for your Breathwork session. Which will include an 25-30 min private Breathwork session with Sheedia Jansen.
Choose a date and time for your breathwork session.
In order to have the best experience, be sure to have a place to lie down during the session.
For the session, it is best to position your camera so I can see your upper body. This will help me better facilitate the experience.
Please refrain from eating anything heavy before our session. This will make breathing uncomfortable for most people. You can totally eat after the Breathwork session.
Besides these points, there's nothing you can do to prepare for Breathwork. For our first session, I will prepare you and teach you the breathing pattern beforehand. I'll also answer any questions you may have and will be present the entire time you're breathing.
Lastly, if there are any songs that you love that you would like to breathe to, just send them my way. Especially songs that mean a lot to you.