Rather it is to buy a home or simply to have option, having "good" credit is a major step. As a REALTOR®, it is my #1 goal to put as many people who want it, into a home. Financial Literacy and credit challenges can be a huge stumpling block.
So I have partnered up with a bank, a group of attorney's, and Real Estate Professionals who think like me. Our Homeownership Program is a nationwide initiative to increase the homeownership rate to 75% for all Americans. We help aspiring homeowners achieve the dream of homeownership and affordable access to the attorneys and tools you need to create the life you deserve.
Homeownership is possible, although it may take some time. Let me show you how I can help. Regardless of where you are on the road to homeownership, I have resources to assist you.
IF YOU ARE A CURRENT HOMEOWNER, don't let the threat of foreclosure or financial uncertainty keep you from upgrading your home. Our goal is to provide you with financial tools, education, and options. You can rely on us to help you and your family make the right decision.
Are you interested in creating an income as a travel agent? We, the Travel Squad, are growing our team of independent Travel Agents. No experience necessary, but must have a love of traveling!
Go here to watch a short video and then lets chat.
I may have a leader in our company join us on the call.