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Payment by Stripe is in USD.
Credit Card payment for other currencies is via PayPal.
E-transfer for Canadian dollar available.
Japanese banking transfer available for Japanese yen.
Cash accepted for in-person sessions.
Please send inquiries to: 


In-person (対面セッション)

In person various sessions and treatments at my home salon in Sooke. Please choose what type of session you are signing up for at the bottom in the Q&A section.

スークサロンでの各種対面セッション。 ご希望のメニューは下部の質問要項からお選びください。

On-line (オンラインセッション)

Online Energy Healing and Reading session. Please choose which type of session you are intending to get from the drop box. Zoom URL will be sent after the booking is confirmed 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.

オンラインのエネルギーヒーリング&リーディングセッション。 ご希望のセッションタイプをドロップボックスからお選びください。ズーム情報は、ご予約確定後、24時間前のリマインダー送信時に送られます。

Single Remote Healing (単発遠隔ヒーリング)

Remote healing is as powerful as the in-person session. Single session is done on a set date and time, with a 5 minute notice. It is recommended to receive this during your relaxing time of the day.

遠隔ヒーリングは対面と同じかそれ以上にパワフルです。単発は日時を決め、5分前に開始のご連絡を入れて行います。 なるべくリラックスできる時間帯でお受けになることを推奨します。

Monthly Remote Healing (1ヶ月遠隔ヒーリング)

Remote healing is as powerful as the in-person session. In one month (or more) consecutive session, I’ll send the energy healing whenever I can during my free time and you receive a weekly report.

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