What is Myofunctional Therapy?
Myofunctional therapy helps children and adults create a proper lip seal, improve tongue posture and nasal breathing, and work on eliminating mouth breathing.
Who is Myofunctional Therapy For?
All ages! As a breastfeeding specialist, craniosacral therapist, and MyoMunchee Bebe Practitioner I'm able to create a custom oral function program for babies and toddlers that involves proper function, home care, and movement where traditional myofunctional therapy may not be applicable. Starting at age 3 or 4 and all through adulthood more traditional myofunctional therapy may be used.
Welcome to Myo Series 1 This series includes our time together for 6 sessions (used within 8 weeks). Depending on your consult, I may recommend a 6-week session to start or a 12-week session (purchased in two 6-week increments).
This series includes all of the necessary items for our time together — a toolkit full of items for use during our time together (please book your first appointment 1-2 weeks out from this registration to allow items to arrive).