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Nikki Gillingham's Calendar

Book a call with me:

30 Minute Meeting

Book a 30-minute meeting with me.

These are great if you're a current client and would like to book a meeting, or if you are not a client but would like more information about how Blue Whale can help you achieve your business goals.

60 Minute Strategy Call

Pick My Brain for 60 Minutes - ask me anything about marketing and social media

VIP Content CoWorking

Let's spend the afternoon coworking on your content!

Does your marketing fall so far to the bottom of your to-do list that it never actually gets done?

Or, you get it done, but you went through it so quickly so that you could 'get a post out', that it's not really hitting the mark and you KNOW it could be better?

This VIP day will plan out your long-form and short-form content based on your business goals.

3 hours, and you walk away with a filled-out content calendar that you (or someone on your team) can action in no time.

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