Using these links, you can book an in person or a video meeting (Google Meet) with me. I'm happy to meet with you, just put in your information like phone numbers, and what topic you'd like to discuss. See you soon!
Meet with Peter
Book a Meeting with me and let me know what you'd like to accomplish. If you would like to meet to view a property, indicate which one you are interested in!
Please sign up here to be our guest on THE CAROLINA CABINET!
Each week we meet IN STUDIO to discuss the movers and shakers of Cumberland County, NC and this Great Country of ours.
We'd like to invite you to choose your preferred time slot to be our guest, you'll then be directed to our Podcast Homepage to fill in your personal info so we can include you in our Guest Pages Section. You'll need a photo for your Bio, and the email and phone number will NOT be made public.