The Difference-Makers Monthly Meetup

1 hour
Number of seats
15 seats

For Entrepreneurial Coaches, Therapists, Healers, & Helpers

This monthly gathering is a hybrid workshop and discussion group for coaches, therapists, and any other service-based entrepreneurs who want to amplify their impact and income while running their practice or business with sage-like confidence and tranquility.

In our gatherings we will focus on marketing for helpers, space-holders, and service-providers, using a holistic marketing framework based on Lynn Hawthorn's Serene Sage Marketing System.

We will incorporate a little 'PracticeMagic', including guidance from the Wheel of the Year. PracticeMagic is all about bringing your own essence, your energetic signature, into your business so that your ideal clients will immediately feel a resonance and desire to work with you. It is the alchemy of marrying your practical side and your spiritual side in a way that amplifies your congruence and magnetism in running and marketing your business.

This is a friendly, relaxed, circle-based gathering via Zoom, which will not be recorded (no replays). Join us if you would like to begin growing your business to it's next level, and if you welcome a touch of magic in your practice!

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