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Renewal Tax Services, LLC

Book a call with me:

Referral Network

For existing and potential Partners providing or accepting service referrals.

15 Minute Introductory Meeting

This is a complimentary call for All Clients.

Tax Preparation Clients: Please attempt first to relay questions to me via e-mail.

Tax Representation Clients: This call will serve to familiarize me with your case details and be able to present you with a rough estimate of costs and options.

30 Minute Meeting

For Tax Preparation Clients: We will use this to go over any questions you have about your return preparation or the version presented to you for signature. This may not be billable, depending on the nature of the call. I will inform you in advance if charges will accrue to your Invoice.

Tax Representation Clients: If this call is to review the Engagement/Proposal and Retainer Agreement, this will be complimentary. Once an Engagement has started, depending on the Engagement and Stage, time will be charged against your retainer.
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