Everything you need for SAT Prep in 2 and a half days!
We will review all questions types from the SAT, focusing on strategies and content. At the end of the course, we will complete a practice test and go over missed questions together to learn from our mistakes. The location is perfect to relax and enjoy a beverage while learning SAT tips. Each class will end with a practice set of questions to reinforce the content reviewed.
When registering, please choose all 3 days.
March 13, March 14, March 15
Course dates:
March 13 9am-2:45pm
March 14 9am-2:45pm
March 15 9am-11:45am
(lunch break 11:45-12:30 on March 13 and March 14)
Please bring a laptop or phone to access google classroom, pen/pencil, paper, and the calculator you will use on the test. All slides will be provided in google classroom.
Also the meeting room gets very cold sometimes so bring a sweatshirt if you don't want to be cold. :)
I can also accept credit card payments. Please email for the credit card link. I need to set one up each time. :)
Please email or text with any questions.
Please register and pay by March 7th so I can confirm with Humble Grounds. Thank you!