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Vladimir Šterle, MA

EMCC EIA accredited coach and mentor

Savjetovanje / Consulting

HR Trebate savjetovanje iz marketinga, poslovne komunikacije ili razvoja i implementacije e‑učenja?

EN Do you need consulting in marketing, business communication or the development and implementation of e‑learning?

Sastanak / Meeting

HR Trebate coaching, poslovni trening ili radionicu? Rezervirajte besplatni sastanak.

EN Do you need coaching, business training or a workshop? Book a free meeting.

Life or Business Coaching

HR Rezervirajte coaching susret s EMCC EIA akreditiranim coachem s diplomom Universidad Isabel I de Castilla i više od 1.500 sati treninga.

EN Book a coaching session with an EMCC EIA accredited coach with a degree from Universidad Isabel I and more than 1,500 hours of training.
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