Family Constellation is a powerful alternative therapy that believes in the power of love and belonging. During a family constellation session, the facilitator will talk to the client to understand the areas of concern and then pick representatives for some aspects of the concern. Using the "knowing field" a deeper understanding and awareness is found and patterns, whether internal, interpersonal, or intergenerational, become visible.
During our session together, we will use colored wooden pegs to represent the areas of concern. Family Constellation Therapy is a magical movement of the soul and can have deep and far-reaching implications for you.
Please note that as each client is different there is no standard time, it could be between 60 - 90 minutes, do ensure you have sufficient free time for the whole session.
Do ensure you are on time.
If you are unable to attend or will be late, kindly ensure you communicate that with me with sufficient prior notice.
There will be no refunds.