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Terri and Mark Trapp & TrappTeam-NWJ

Book a call with us, : Let's see what is possible

15 Min 1st time Discovery Meeting

Book a meeting, Let's chat for 15 minutes! Let's discover what is possible. Please bring your questions, any paperwork and have anyone involved attend. We look forward to meeting you and seeing how we might assist you with your needs.

Terri, Mark and Team

For more insight to prepare for meeting :

Small Business Workshops, Consultations and Questions

If you found us, you are in need of solutions to help you and your business thrive. We offer Workshops, Coaching, Consultants and 15 min discovery calls to explore whether we can help you and your employees.

Coffee/Tea get to know you and your business

Very please to meet you, Let's get to know each other and each of our businesses
Please pick a time, provide your email for a zoom meeting and please prepare any materials we can share to let others know what it is that you specialize in and problems your service solves.
We are so looking forward to getting to know you personally and to sharing this time with you.

Have a happy, healthy and prosperous day. - Mark and Terri

Interview with us - 30 Minute Meeting

Thank you for your interest in working with our team.

We suggest watching our Video if you are serious about starting immediately ,

Book a meeting with me for 30 minutes! Let's explore what brought you here, what your goals are and what may be possible. We will discuss the next step in the process and if a good fit, process your application, review state licensing requirements and set your background check. Also share your orientation.

We are looking forward to meeting with you and thank you for submitting your request.


Terri and Mark Trapp -Trapps Fredome. inc dba Primerica- TrappTeam & TrappTeam-NWJ

Education planning meeting

Thank you for taking a few minutes to discover what you can do now, for your children's future. it may be your student loans or your families children who need a strategy to pay for education. We are here to assist and guide with options to make your future bright. Let's chat and see what is possible.

Redeem your gift certificate voucher

To prepare for your consultation and FNA. Please Gather your baseline documents and any questions you have on challenges or goals you have for your family. Any questions please leave a message

You need more information or a PDF we offer

Thank you for your interest, to make sure you get the proper PDF and information you need to solve a problem you have please consider taking the time for a short conversation with our team.

Client, follow up & FAQ

What brought you here to set time with us?.

We look forward to getting to know you and how we may assist in your goals.

Annual review --60 Minute Meeting

For your annual review and any life event change - please schedule this 60 min session. Please know we buffer each appointment for extended as needed purposes. We will take the time needed to assist your needs.

Thank you, we look forward to speaking with you then.

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