Want to talk about plot ideas, characterization, or just how to get started writing your book? Book this one hour book coaching session. I'll let you know what I think of your idea (honestly) and will help you walk through Plotting, Characterization, or any other advice you need.
Want more detailed plotting advice? More information about how to Plot your novel? Do you want to just talk through your plot with someone? Book your consultation today (be sure to answer the questions below, so I can help you better and we make the most of your time)
Want to know more about how we can help you improve SEO on your website? Want to know how link building really works? Click here to schedule a time to chat about it.
Want to talk with me about book marketing and options you might have? You can schedule your consultation here. (This is a paid consultation). I'll be happy to answer any questions you have and give you my best individualized advice.
Discuss your non-fiction book, from idea to publishing options, from outlining to selling. Whatever stage of the process you are in, I can help you make the most of your book, develop stronger ideas, and come up with marketing ideas you may not have thought of.
Please answer the questions before booking. it will make our session much more profitable.