I look forward to our call! ✨
the 2 quick videos before we have the call
✅Please be sure to have a pen and notepad handy
& prepare to have about 40 minutes of quiet time
so you can focus on our call.
🌟After booking the call you will be redirected to
a brief form to complete, this is important to do
so I know how to best support you on the call!
Again please make sure to watch the videos
before our zoom call because it will provide me
with information to strategize and also
give you insight into my coaching program. :)
Here's the Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/97539199134?pwd=bXY3MnpzRkVCQ0VjNlhkMXluWFl5dz09
I’m so excited to get to know you more and
provide support on your wellness journey!
You’ve taken the first step to transformation! 💖
Reschedule or cancel: https://tidycal.com/wellnesselevate/discovery/reschedule/3q26x86