YCT4 Class T4 2023 Tue 7.00-8.00pm

1 hour
YCT4 Classes weekly during Term with Cindy Laoshi on Zoom
Duration: 60 minutes

YCT4 Level
YCT (Youth Chinese Test) is an internationally recognised syllabus that is designed for non-native Chinese speakers in primary through to secondary school. YCT level 4 is our intermediate level and ages typically range from 10 to 15 years old. The target number of characters to learn is 1200 characters over the course of the year.

Term 4 has 10 weeks (10 classes at $37.50 per class), payable upfront. The YCT Activity and Course book are purchased once off and are used throughout the 4 terms of the year. Cost is $60 plus $16.50 postage and handling. We generally order these in at the start of the year so they are subject to availability if joining the YCT program after beginning of the year. We can make the ebooks available if books are not available, at the one off price of $15 per term. The materials will be invoiced separately to the cost of the classe.

Cindy Laoshi

Cindy Laoshi is an accomplished Mandarin teacher, having taught for over 2 years, and prior to obtaining her Master of Arts in Chinese-English Translation in 2009, taught English in China. She has a tender but firm approach which works well with the students! She lives with her family in Sydney.

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