Special "Give It Back" Rate of $180 for Teachers, Nurses, Caretakers, Solo Single Parents, Military, Social Workers, Veterans, Police/Fire, & Students of all ages.If you aren't sure if you qualify for this rate just ask. 😊I'm excited to meet with you! Please choose a time when you will have good internet, and a space where you feel able to relax and focus (eg: probably not in a coffee shop, or while driving your car...)Our video call doesn't require headphones or earbuds but many people find they offer a bit more privacy and solitude if others are in the house or office.While sessions usually run between 40-50 minutes please allow for a full hour on your calendar so we don't ever feel rushed.See you soon! - Chel 💕
I'm excited to meet with you! Please choose a time when you will have good internet, and a space where you feel able to relax and focus (eg: probably not in a coffee shop, or while driving your car...)Our video call doesn't require headphones or earbuds but many people find they offer a bit more privacy and solitude if others are in the house or office.While sessions usually run between 40-50 minutes please allow for a full hour on your calendar so we don't ever feel rushed.See you soon! - Chel 💕Not sure yet? Feel free to grab a 15 minute call with me at no charge to discuss here: 15 Min Call
*** Se reconnecter à soi-même ***Que pensez-vous de vous reconnecter à vous-même par la conscience de soi, l'amour de soi, la bienveillance & le temps de vous connecter à votre propre lumière A travers une trinité de services disponibles ?👉 Séance d'hypnothérapie (esprit)👉 Guérison énergétique multifréquence (âme)👉 Massage complet Lomi Lomi (corps)Si vous sentez que vous avez besoin d'éclaircir votre esprit et de trouver un équilibre avec votre subconscient, de trouver des solutions pour créer une fermeture et un nouveau départ pour vous-même, ou de sentir le pouvoir de vous donner la guérison, ces sessions sont pour vous.Les séances d'hypnothérapie sont des séances uniques, conçues individuellement. Il n'y a pas deux séances identiques, et en nous connectant à votre subconscient, nous vous donnerons le chemin à suivre, pour travailler sur la résolution de votre problème, au niveau que vous êtes prêt à changer, aujourd'hui. Beaucoup de problèmes que j'ai rencontrés ont été résolus en 3 à 5 séances, certains moins, d'autres plus, mais c'est dans le travail en cours et le voyage que réside la magie.Thérapie énergétique, j'ai ma propre méthode basée sur différents flux et fréquences d'énergie incluant LNT, Reiki, Tantra, Somatics, Kundalini, Quantum & Universal Rays ainsi que le Channeling.Massage Lomi Lomi. Un massage unique, relaxant, complet, sur tout le corps (pas intime), imitant les vagues d'Hawaï, pour apporter une connexion profonde avec soi-même, son âme et son être par des mouvements doux, profonds ou bien équilibrés des bras et des mains du massothérapeute.Si vous vous sentez motivé, n'attendez pas trop longtemps pour réserver, car je réserve souvent 1 mois à l'avance, mais je garde des créneaux ouverts pour les retardataires.Rééquilibrons votre esprit, votre corps et votre âme.Je vous souhaite une excellente journée, PS : Veuillez noter que vous recevrez un email de me@olivierborgognon.com entre le moment où vous avez réservé et le moment de l'appel (il n'y a pas d'heure précise pour le recevoir, car c'est un processus manuel) avec les informations nécessaires pour la session (lien vers Zoom/rencontre/appel, etc.).Vérifiez donc votre dossier Spam s'il vous plaît.*** reconnect with yourself ***How do you feel about reconnecting to yourself through self-awareness, self-love, self-kindness & time to connect to your own light Through a trinity of services available?👉 Hypnotherapy session (Mind)👉 Multi-Frequency Energy Healing (Soul)👉 Lomi Lomi Full Body massage (Body)Werther you feel like you need to clear your mind, and find balance with your subconscious mind, find solutions to create closure and a new start for yourself, or feel the power of gifting you healing, these sessions are for you.Hypnotherapy sessions are my unique, individually crafted sessions. Not 2 sessions are alike, and through connecting with your subconscious mind, we'll be given the path to follow, to work on clearing the problematic you're in, at the level you're ready to shift, today. Many problematics i've encountered have been resolved in 3 to 5 sessions, some less, some require more, yet the work in progress and the journey is where the magic resides.Energy healing, I have my own personal method based on various fluxes & frequencies of energy including LNT, Reiki, Tantra, Somatics, Kundalini, Quantum & Universal Rays as well as ChannelingLomi Lomi massage. A unique, relaxing, full length massage, full body (not intimate) massage, imitating the waves of hawaii, to bring a deep connection to yourself, your soul, and your being through gentle, deeper, or well balanced movements from the arms & hands of the massage therapist.Should you feel driven, DON'T WAIT TOO LONG TO BOOK, as I often book 1 month in advance but keep open slots for late comersLet's get your mind, body & soul in balanceHave a great day, PS : Please Note that you will receive an email from me@olivierborgognon.com between the time you booked, and the time of the call (no specific given time to receive it, as it's a manual process) with the required information for the session (link to Zoom/meet/call etc.)So check your Spam folder please.
Gracias por agendar una cita para adquirir tu paquete de viaje.Por razones de espacio fisico y seguridad hay ciertos requisitos para confirmar tu cita que debes tomar en cuentaEnvía FOTO LEGIBLE de tu documento de identidad, asi como de cada uno de los pasajeros para poder procesar la reserva de los boletos.Es importante que acudas a la cita con todas tus dudas, preferiblemente, anotadas para ser aclaradas por tu agente de viajes.En la cita recibirás tu reservación por correo. El boleto se emite al momento del pago pero puede tardar en llegar entre 2 a 12 horas, dependiendo del tamaño de la cola de emisión del día.Por razones de espacio físico, se atenderá, máximo, 2 personas por cita.Te agradecemos puntualidad en la cita porque, muy probablemente, tengamos agendado a alguien mas después de ti. Si tienes problemas para llegar a tiempo puedes escribirnos para reprogramar la cita sin problemas.
Duration : 90 minutesPlease be in a location where you can hear clearly, with minimal disruptions.You may find it useful to have pen and paper and a glass of water nearby.Please allow for a 90 minute uninterrupted session.Individual Session:£2220, per 1.5 hr session£1500, per 1 hr session (outside a bundle )Bundles:£4000, 3 x 1 hr sessionsor£6220, 3 x 1.5 hr sessions ( max 2 bundles per person, per year )See Full Range HEREPayment Terms + Disclaimer (Sessions and Services)Payment TermsYour Spirit Geek session fees are payable in advance of booking via PayPal. If you’d like to make your payment via transfer, let me know and I’ll provide you with banking details. Please note that transfer payments will require clearance before a session is held. Please email me proof of payment, and schedule your session as soon as possible after you’ve made your transfer payment.Please note, payments are non-refundable. This does not affect your statutory rights.If a session cannot be attended, 48 hours advance notice is required to reschedule (max 2 reschedules available). If advance notice of non attendance of the scheduled session is not given within 24 hrs, the session and payment will be forfeited.Please email yourspiritgeek@outlook.com with any reschedule requests. – – –DisclaimerYour Spirit Geek advice is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals. Your Spirit Geek are unable to advise on any legal or medical matter.You are responsible for your own legal matters; mental and physical health and wellbeing. Should you need advice and/or assistance in this regard, it is recommended that you contact the appropriate professionals.You are responsible for creating and implementing your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing; decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, Your Spirit Geek will not be held liable for any decisions, actions or inaction that you take, nor for any direct or indirect result thereof.Any services obtained from Your Spirit Geek are not a substitute for legal, medical intervention, nor therapy, if needed. Any services offered do not prevent, cure, nor treat any mental disorder or medical disease.- - -Sessions and ServicesSessions are intended to offer insight and guidance, and are classed as “for entertainment purposes only”.Prices are based on a 1-1 experience, please advise via email at least 24 hours ahead of the scheduled time if you would like there to be additional parties in the meeting as there will be an additional fee.Please ensure you are prompt for your appointment, any delays in attendance will result in less time for your appointment or no appointment at all.Zoom links are sent once the appointment has been confirmed and paid for. You will also receive two reminder emails, one 24 hrs before and another 1 hour before the session.Session times are converted into the time zone where you are booking from. The booking system does this automatically, however, please do check the conversion to ensure they match the expected times when you make your booking.By booking a session you are confirming you have read and accept these terms and conditions
For an assistive technology consultation, schedule an assessment session. The assessment session may take up to three hours, but may be shorter, depending on the student's needs and the need for breaks or adjustments.Please provide copies of current IEP/504 plans, current/recent IEP progress report, current/recent testing. You can The total cost for this consultation is $950. This includes the intake, assessment session, written report and feedback session.A deposit of $300 is required at the time of booking. You can reschedule your sessions at no additional cost, as long as you provide 24 hours' notice before any schedule change. If you cancel the consultation, no refund of the deposit will be provided. The remaining balance is due at the time of the feedback session.Additional training and implementation sessions are available for $150 per hour.
une séance de 30 minutes via ZoomÉliminez cette pensée négative qui vous tracasse pour avancer vers vos buts avec un regain d'énergieLorsque les services sont effectués dans les 14 jours qui suivent votre règlement, il est considéré que vous renoncez à votre droit de rétractation tel qu'énoncé dans les CGV et selon à la Loi. Aucun remboursement n'est accordé pour les services qui ont déjà eu lieu. TVA non applicable, art. 293B du C.G.I.
We can use this call to discuss anything related to digital marketing, your business, and your goals.Here's what to expect:• A full understanding of your goals.• Discussion of what's working and where there are opportunities.• Strategies on how to improve your marketing and presence in the marketplace.• Action items to move forward.
If you'd like to secure some time for a coaching call on a specific topic then please use this.These sessions are used for many things, but some of the top topics includeBecoming a Non Executive DirectorRaising seed funding in the UKPitching an idea to investorsBecoming investment readyPlanning a company exit or saleConverting a company to being employee owned (EOT)Company turnaround / difficult situation.Please note, this is a paid for service. I value your effort in providing clear and detailed information in the prep questions, which will help us maximise our time together.