Normally €120.00 - We have limited reading slots at €70.00 for up to 50 minutes.Exclusive opportunity to connect with renowned Irish Spiritual Medium, Dawn, in a private reading session on Zoom. This event offers a unique chance to gain clarity and insight into your life circumstances at a discounted rate.During this one-on-one session, you will have the undivided attention of Dawn as she taps into her psychic abilities to provide guidance and answers to your burning questions. With years of experience and a natural gift for connecting with the spiritual realm, Dawn has helped countless individuals find peace and understanding in their lives. Don't miss out on this special event that is sure to leave you feeling empowered and enlightened. Reserve your spot now through our easy time/slot reservation system!Benefits Of Working With DawnConnect with Loved Ones in Spirit: Find solace and closure by connecting with loved ones who have crossed over. Dawn will serve as a conduit, providing healing messages and a sense of peace.Personalised Readings: Dawn will tap into your unique energy and provide insights and guidance tailored to your specific circumstances and challenges.Enhanced Understanding: Gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles and opportunities that lie ahead. Uncover the hidden meanings behind your past experiences and current situations.Guidance on Life Decisions: Receive intuitive guidance to help you make informed decisions and navigate life's crossroads with confidence.Exploration of Future Possibilities: Discover the potential paths and possibilities that await you. Dawn will provide glimpses into your future, empowering you to take control of your destiny.Connect with Loved Ones in Spirit: Dawn has been able to validate so much from the other side and information that is so significant but something so special that only your loved one in heaven would know.Get Answers to Burning Questions: Have a pressing question that keeps you up at night? Dawn will use his gifts to provide answers and insights, helping you find the clarity you seek.WHY CHOOSE Dawn?At the heart of the reading is our highly experienced psychic, known for his exceptional abilities to connect with the spiritual realm. With her guidance, you'll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, gaining profound insights into your past, present, and future.Invest in yourself and your spiritual well-being with an exclusive Private Psychic Reading.For the limited-time price of €70, you'll unlock the secrets of your destiny and gain the guidance you need to navigate life's challenges.Don't wait to embark on this remarkable journey. Book your Private Psychic Reading today and open the door to a brighter, more fulfilling future.
Lightworkers! Starseeds! Empaths!Feeling the strong but annoying pull of your inner calling? Its never going to stop... AND you hear it but somehow you are often held back by money blocks to prosperity? I am so sick of this paradigm! lets change it together!This is class 1 of many. My intention is to offer 2 calls a month, each with different alchemical techniques to dismantle the layers and lies that create your unfulfilling finances.Listen to this PreRECORDED transformative Zoom Healing session and reclaim an aspect of your true Souls Abundance!Purposely, just for you... I am only asking $25!In this video we will use the technique of "Word Meditation"... its and Alchemical healing on the language that holds the energy of Money... It was dismantled, healed and recreated in the highest potential possible in this timeline... that's HUGE! With each video we will learn how to and alchemize beliefs with practical steps to adjust YOUR own Abundance and get going on your Soul's Mission. Don't miss this chance to break free from all those "annoying" limiting beliefs and step into your higher purpose, for REALS.Let's co-create your path to spiritual and financial fulfillment together! The world is waiting for your special gifts to be shared ❣️
A Past Life Reading is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis or meditation to help you access memories from your past lives. The goal is to gain insight into your current life challenges and relationships. By exploring your past lives, you may be able to identify recurring patterns or unresolved issues that are affecting you in the present.It's important to remember that past life readings are not a substitute for traditional therapy or mental health treatment. However, they can be a helpful tool for self-exploration and personal growth.This is a virtual or email or phone session with a duration of 60 minutes.***Client-Friendly Cancellation Policy***Life happens! I understand that unforeseen circumstances may require you to reschedule your session.To ensure fairness for all clients, please cancel at least 12 hours before your scheduled session. Late cancellations will incur a full session fee.This policy allows me to:Open up unexpected availability for other clients in need.Dedicate sufficient time to prepare for each session, ensuring the best possible experience for you.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! I value you as a client and appreciate your respect for my time.
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Dive into Spanish with one-on-one lessons specially tailored to you from an experienced Spanish instructor. Ideal for practicing your communication skills, hone in your grammar and expanding vocabulary.
¿Quieres mejorar el rendimiento de tu sitio web en los motores de búsqueda y atraer más tráfico orgánico? Aprovecha nuestra consulta personalizada de 1 hora en SEO con Natalie Báez. Durante esta sesión, Natalie analizará tu sitio web, identificará áreas de mejora y te proporcionará estrategias efectivas para optimizar tu presencia en línea. Además, responderá a todas tus preguntas sobre SEO para asegurarte de que entiendas cada paso del proceso. Visita para saber más sobre Natalie Báez y su experiencia. ¡Reserva ahora y empieza a ver resultados reales!
Chcete začít s včelařením, ale nevíte, kde začít? Naše osobní konzultace je přesně to, co potřebujete! Přijďte k nám na včelí farmu a získejte všechny potřebné informace přímo od zkušených včelařů Slávka a Andrey. Oba dva včelaří již několik let, zažili si včelaření s 10 včelstvy, a nyní včelaří s bezmála 100 včelstvy, v nadmořské výšce od 180 m.n.m až do 580 m.n.m. Oba absolvovali SOUV Včelařské v Nasavrkách. U nás máme pochopení s novými včelaři, neposmíváme se jim, a následně po absolvování osobní konzultace u nás na farmě, máte od nás i e-mailovou a telefonickou podporu. Co vás čeká:Osobní konzultace: Podrobně probereme vše, co potřebujete vědět o včelaření, od výběru úlů až po každodenní péči o včely.Prohlídka úlů: Na naší farmě máme několik druhů úlů, které si budete moci prohlédnout a dozvědět se o jejich výhodách a nevýhodách.Praktické rady: Poradíme vám, jaké pomůcky budete potřebovat a odkud je nejlépe nakoupit.Sezónní cyklus včel: Vysvětlíme vám, jak fungují včely během roku a na co si dát pozor v různých obdobích.Manuál na začátek: Obdržíte krátký manuál, který vás provede prvními kroky včelaření. Od pořízení včelstev, přes léčení včelstev a jejich zazimování, až po vytáčení medu.Tato konzultace je ideální pro začínající včelaře, kteří chtějí získat jistotu a praktické zkušenosti před tím, než se pustí do vlastního včelaření. Přijďte a nechte se inspirovat přírodou a našimi včelami!
Book your first coaching session with me today.