Financial Planning | Discovery Session:During this discovery session we will get to know each other and I'll get to learn more about your financial planning needs at this time in your life. You'll have a chance to ask questions and learn more about what services are offered and together we'll determine if working together is a right for you. This is a no-pressure conversation devoted to both of us learning more. I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Dieser Call dreht sich ganz um dich. Frag mich alles. Nach unserem Call wirst du...Wissen, wer ich bin und was ich tue.Wissen, wie es ist, mit mir zu arbeiten.Sehen, ob wir beide ein Match sind (=ob wir auf einer Wellenlänge liegen).Sicher sein, was dein nächster Schritt für deine aktuelle Situation ist.Wir sehen uns im Call!
Book a meeting with me for 30 minutes!
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Book a private
Book a meeting with me for 30 minutes!
Reunión para aplicar al programaHabla con un experto de nuestro equipo para conocer tu proyecto, profundizar en tus objetivos y ver honestamente si encajas en nuestra mentoría.Toleramos UNICAMENTE un retraso de 5 minutos , tenemos un gran volumen de escritores interesados en entrar al programa y las plazas son limitadas.
Book a chat to see if I'm the right fit for you at this part in your journey.
Soul Purpose / Spiritual Life Coaching Discovery CallGetting to know each other and if we’re a fit to work together. I will be answering any and all questions you may have.