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Book a call with me:

Alignment Call

An Alignment Call is the best fit for you when something feels off, you're feeling discontent, and/or you don't know where to start or what to focus on.

This is a 45 minute call.

Alignment Package

Additional 50% off for first 2 clients! $97 $48.50

Save $61 with the Alignment Package!

The Alignment Package includes:
  • (1) Alignment Call, 45 minutes long
  • (3) Small Adjustment Calls to follow-up, each 20 minutes long

An Alignment Call is the best fit for you when something feels off, you're feeling discontent, and/or you don't know where to start or what to focus on. The Small Adjustment Calls allow us to follow-up to track your progress and make adjustments accordingly.

Note: all Small Adjustment Calls must be booked within 90 days of your Alignment Call.

Business, Marketing, or Alignment Strategy Call

A Strategy Call is the best fit for you when you know what you want to accomplish but you don't know where to start or what to focus on; you're too close to your project and need an outside perspective; and/or you need help outlining how to achieve your goal.

This is a 45 minute call.

Business, Marketing, or Alignment Strategy Package

Additional 50% off for first 2 clients! $147 $73.50

Save $61 with the Strategy Package!

The Strategy Package includes:
  • (1) Strategy Call, 45 minutes
  • (2) Check-in Calls to follow-up, 15 minutes each
  • (4) Weekly Accountability Check-ins via Email to follow-up

A Strategy Call is the best fit for you when you know what you want to accomplish but you don't know where to start or what to focus on; you're too close to your project and need an outside perspective; and/or you need help outlining how to achieve your goal.

Note: Both Check-in Calls must be booked within 90 days of your Strategy Call. Accountability check-ins will be sent weekly following your Strategy Call.

Design Strategy Call

A Design Strategy Call is the best fit for you when you are struggling to know where to start in knit or crochet pattern design, are wanting to learn or understanding the design process and how to customize it to you, and/or you are struggling to know how to create a pattern.

This is a 45 minute call.

Design Strategy Package

Additional 50% off for first 2 clients! $97 $48.50

Save $27 with the Design Strategy Package!

The Design Strategy Package includes:
  • (1) Design Strategy Call, 45 minutes
  • (1) Check-in Call to follow-up, 15 minutes
  • (3) Weekly Email Accountability Check-ins

A Design Strategy Call is the best fit for you when you are struggling to know where to start in knit or crochet pattern design, are wanting to learn or understanding the design process and how to customize it to you, and/or you are struggling to know how to create a pattern.

Note: Your Check-in Call must be scheduled within 30 days of your Design Strategy Call. Email Accountability Check-ins will be sent weekly following your Design Strategy Call.

Productivity, Efficiency, or Habits Call

A productivity, efficiency, or Habits Call is for you when you are struggling to feel efficient or productive, you don't know where your time is going, you feel like you're treading water in life or your business, and/or you don't know what habits or changes to implement in order to create more time in your schedule.

This is a 45 minute call.

Productivity, Efficiency, or Habits Package

Additional 50% off for first 2 clients! $147 $73.50

Save $51 with this package!

The Productivity, Efficiency, or Habits Package includes:
  • (1) Initial Consult Call, 45 minutes
  • (1) Time Tracking Assessment
  • (1) Productivity, Efficiency, or Habits Strategy Call; 45 minutes
  • (4) Weekly Accountability Email Check-ins to follow-up

A productivity, efficiency, or Habits Call is for you when you are struggling to feel efficient or productive, you don't know where your time is going, you feel like you're treading water in life or your business, and/or you don't know what habits or changes to implement in order to create more time in your schedule.

Note: Your Strategy Call must be booked within 30 days of your Initial Consult Call. Accountability Email Check-ins will be sent weekly following your Strategy Call.

Time Tracking Assessment

With a Time Tracking Assessment, I will review your results from one week of time tracking in Toggl, identify patterns in your habits and productivity, and offer suggestions to improve your habits and productivity, so you can reclaim your time! This is perfect for you if you don't know where your time is going and you don't know how to create more time in your schedule.

Note: This is NOT a call. This booking simply secures your place in your calendar; the date and time for which you book is not important.

Additional Adjustment Call

Adjustment Calls are an add-on following an Alignment Call or an Alignment Package. Additional calls must be booked within 90 days of completing the Alignment Call or Alignment Package.

This call is 20 minutes long.

2 Additional Adjustment Calls

Save $17 by purchasing 2 calls at once!

Adjustment Calls are an add-on following an Alignment Call or an Alignment Package. Additional calls must be booked within 90 days of completing the Alignment Call or Alignment Package.

Each Adjustment Call is 20 minutes long.

3 Additional Adjustment Calls

Save $36 by purchasing 3 calls at once!

Adjustment Calls are an add-on following an Alignment Call or an Alignment Package. Additional calls must be booked within 90 days of completing the Alignment Call or Alignment Package.

Each Adjustment Call is 20 minutes long.

Additional Check-In Call

Check-In Calls are an add-on following a Strategy Call or Strategy Package. Additional calls must be booked within 90 days of completing the Strategy Call or Strategy Package.

This call is 15 minutes long.

2 Additional Check-In Calls

Save $7 by purchasing 2 calls at once!

Check-In Calls are an add-on following a Strategy Call or Strategy Package. Additional calls must be booked within 90 days of completing the Strategy Call or Strategy Package.

Each Check-In Call is 15 minutes long.

3 Additional Check-In Calls

Save $14 by purchasing 3 calls at once!

Check-In Calls are an add-on following a Strategy Call or Strategy Package. Additional calls must be booked within 90 days of completing the Strategy Call or Strategy Package.

Each Check-In Call is 15 minutes long.

4 Weekly Accountability Email Check-Ins

Weekly Accountability Email Check-Ins are an add-on following any other Call or Strategy booking. You will receive an accountability email once a week for 4 weeks.

Note: This is NOT a call. This booking simply secures your place in your calendar; the date and time for which you book is not important.

8 Weekly Accountability Email Check-Ins

Save $27 by purchasing 8 weeks of email accountability!

Weekly Accountability Email Check-Ins are an add-on following any other Call or Strategy booking. You will receive an accountability email once a week for 8 weeks.

Note: This is NOT a call. This booking simply secures your place in your calendar; the date and time for which you book is not important.

12 Weekly Accountability Email Check-Ins

Save $54 by purchasing 12 weeks of email accountability!

Weekly Accountability Email Check-Ins are an add-on following any other Call or Strategy booking. You will receive an accountability email once a week for 12 weeks.

Note: This is NOT a call. This booking simply secures your place in your calendar; the date and time for which you book is not important.

1 Week of Daily Accountability Email Check-Ins

Daily Accountability Email Check-Ins are an add-on following any other Call or Strategy booking. You will receive an accountability email once a day for 5 days of the week for 1 weeks, for a total of 5 accountability emails.

Note: This is NOT a call. This booking simply secures your place in your calendar; the date and time for which you book is not important.

2 Weeks of Daily Accountability Email Check-Ins

Save $7 by purchasing 2 weeks of email accountability!

Daily Accountability Email Check-Ins are an add-on following any other Call or Strategy booking. You will receive an accountability email once a day for 5 days of the week for 2 weeks, for a total of 10 accountability emails.

Note: This is NOT a call. This booking simply secures your place in your calendar; the date and time for which you book is not important.

4 Weeks of Daily Accountability Email Check-Ins

Save $21 by purchasing 4 weeks of email accountability!

Daily Accountability Email Check-Ins are an add-on following any other Call or Strategy booking. You will receive an accountability email once a day for 5 days of the week for 4 weeks, for a total of 20 accountability emails.

Note: This is NOT a call. This booking simply secures your place in your calendar; the date and time for which you book is not important.
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