1:1 in person session to have a deep dive into your business. Lets get thinking strategically.Revisit your business values and goals.Brainstorm new strategic ideas.Reflection and sounding board for your ideas.Including tarot prompts.Follow up notes to reflect the discussion, presented in a way to promote positive forward momentum.Within 45minutes driving of LE12.Allow up to 3 hrs. Let's include tea and cake!
A Free 30-minute call with me to:This session is your opportunity to delve into your current challenges and ensure I am the right coach to support you on your journey.Define your objectivesIdentify what is holding you back.Map out a path toward a rewarding professional and fulfilling life.Your success is my priority. My team and I are dedicated to assisting you in uncovering your greatest potential.I look forward to partnering with you on this transformative journey.Aligned to Your Hidden PotentialIbrahim Koné
CONGRATULATIONS on your VIP decision to invest in yourself!This call is a 90-minute DISTRACTION-FREE coaching session specifically for phenomenal women who are ready to invest in themselves and publish their book before they write it. Imagine that! I can show you how.This session is valued at $1497 but you will enjoy this experience for only $297. Be prepared to share your dreams, goals, and vision for your future.Every woman has a story to tell, and the world is waiting on yours! NOW is the time for you to invest in yourself and move on your dreams. Coach Letha looks forward to speaking with you and hearing more about your next-level goals. Brace yourself for a new level of authenticity.
Explorez l'énergie qui transforme la vie en vous reconnectant à votre énergie vitale.***** SESSIONS EN SUISSE - SUR PLACE *****LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS // CHAMPERY // GENEVECHAMPERY - 01.09.2024CHAMPERY - 15.09.24GENEVE - SUR DEMANDELA CHAUX-DE-FONDS - SUR DEMANDELes Guérisons par l'Energie de la Force de Vie Kundalini sont des processus puissants qui ont lieu lorsque l'ensemble de votre système énergétique a été ouvert, harmonisé et circule dans un état activé.Grâce à des pratiques telles que les Guérisons énergétiques de groupe, vous pouvez ressentir des changements dans votre vie, tels que de nouvelles prises de conscience, l'élimination des blocages et des boucles ou schémas répétitifs dans votre vie.Libérer, voir permettre au corps son auto-guérison d'un traumatisme émotionnel que vous gardez, qu'il soit d'origine collective, transgénérationnelle, karmique ou qu'il provienne de votre propre expérience de la vie.Participer à une séance de guérison énergétique en groupe est un processus magnifique lorsqu'il est effectué correctement.Afin d'harmoniser, d'équilibrer et de faire circuler l'Aura et le champ énergétique, il faut adopter une approche holistique. Il n'y a pas de baguette magique, de séance unique, de solution unique.Grâce aux soins énergétiques de groupe, vous pouvez ressentir un changement majeur dans votre fréquence, l'énergie que vous attirez dans votre vie, et vous pouvez même vous éveiller à la kundalini. En recevant des soins énergétiques de groupe tels que ceux que je canalise pour vous, je vais canaliser et m'accorder à diverses fréquences et outils.Ceux-ci incluent le Tantra, le Reiki, la Somatique, le Travail Corporel, le corps émotionnel, l'énergie du corps de lumière, les Rayons Universels, les fréquences des Maîtres Ascensionnés et les inductions d'états modifiés de conscience par le magnétisme et l'état de transe hypnotique.Ceci a pour but d'ouvrir vos différents corps énergétiques et de débloquer l'énergie concentrée, dense et bloquée de Prana, Chi, Ki, Mana dans votre Aura et de la canaliser dans les différents corps énergétiques à travers le système des Chakras.Il est important que ce processus soit lent et progressif, il ne faut donc pas aller trop vite, trop tôt, d'où l'importance d'une guidance et d'une canalisation de qualité.Comment se déroule une séance de guérison énergétique en groupe ?La séance commence 2 minutes après l'heure officielle de début de la séance. 2 minutes d'attente et d'arrivéeAccueil du groupe et cercle d'intention60-75 mn d'activation énergétique (en fonction de la taille du groupe & de ma canalisation)10 minutes de retrouvailles avec votre corps et de temps d'intégrationCercle de clôtureRemerciements et recommandations de clôtureAprès une courte introduction et une discussion, chaque personne du groupe est invitée à s'allonger ou à s'asseoir sur le sol si elle le préfère et je me connecte à vos corps énergétiques.Je circule de chakra en chakra et je m'accorde avec ce à quoi votre champ d'énergie me demande de me connecter. Votre corps me guidera et je ne serai qu'un canal pour vous.Pendant 60 à 80 minutes, vous recevrez un soin énergétique profond et libérateur.Comme mentionné ci-dessus, je canaliserai différentes fréquences et champs énergétiques, tels que le Reiki, le Tantra, le Prana, la Kundalini, la LNT, et les fréquences énergétiques du corps de lumière, permettant à votre champ énergétique global de s'activer et de s'ouvrir à sa propre expansion et à la libération de votre corps.Ces fréquences rassemblent les différentes clés dont votre corps a besoin pour déverrouiller, ouvrir ou libérer ce qui est nécessaire pour vous au moment de l'activation.Cela peut, à court ou à long terme, apporter des changements considérables dans notre vie.Une fois la transmission d'énergie terminée, je vous guiderai à une réintégration de vos corps énergétique, afin d'être bien enracinés, pour que le processus soit complet, et je passerai par un court moment de partage avant de clôturer notre séance de guérison énergétique de groupe.Lors de votre réservation, vous recevrez un email contenant un formulaire à remplir. Si le formulaire n'est pas rempli ou s'il est incomplet, vous ne pourrez pas participer à la séance. Des informations incorrectes ou fausses fournies dans ce formulaire peuvent entraîner des problèmes de santé ou des blessures, auquel cas nous déclinons toute responsabilité.---PS : Veuillez noter que vous recevrez un e-mail de me@olivierborgognon.com entre le moment où vous avez réservé et le moment de l'appel (il n'y a pas d'heure précise pour le recevoir, car il s'agit d'un processus manuel) avec les informations requises pour la session (lieu, heure, recommandations, etc.).Vérifiez donc votre dossier Spam s'il vous plaît.__________ ENGLISH VERSION __________Explore the Life Transforming Energy of reconnecting with your Life Force Energy***** SESSIONS IN SWITZERLAND - ON SITE *****LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS // CHAMPERY // GENEVACHAMPERY - 28.07.2024The Life Force Energy Healings are powerful processes which take place when your whole energetic system has been opened, harmonised, and is flowing in an activated state.Through practices such as Group Energy Healings, you may feel changes in your lives such as new insights, clearing blocks and repetitive loops or patterns in your lives. Heal some emotional trauma you are holding, may it be from the collective, transgenerational, karmic or from your own experience of life.Taking part in a Group Energy Healing is a beautiful process when done in the correct way.In order to harmonize, balance, and bring flow in your Aura and Energy field, one takes part in a holistic approach. There is not a magic wand, one session, one thing, solution.Through Group Energy Healing, you might feel a major shift in your frequency, the energy you are attracting in your lives, and you may even go into a kundalini awakening. by receiving Group Energy Healings such as these I channel for you, I will be channelling & tuning into various various frequencies & tools.These include Tantra, Reiki, Somatics, Bodywork, Emotional body, Light body energy, Universal Rays, Ascended Masters frequencies & modified states of consciousness inductions through Magnetism & hypnotic transe state.This has the purpose of opening up your various energy bodies & unblocking the concentrated, dense, blocked energy of Prana, Chi, Ki, Mana within your Aura and channeling it within the various energy bodies through the Chakra System.It is important that this should be a slow and progressive process, therefore should not be pushed too fast, too soon and this is where the importance of a quality guidance and channeling is to be done.How does a Group Energy Healing take place ?The session Starts 2 minutes after the session official Time start. 2 minutes waiting & arrival timeGroup Welcome & Circle of intention60-75 minutes Energy activation (depending on group size & what I am channeled to send)10 minutes reuniting with your body & integration timeClosing circleThanks & Closing RecommendationsAfter a short introduction and discussion, every person of the group is invited to lie down or sit on the ground should they prefer and I will connect to your energy bodies. Flowing from Chakra to Chakra, and tuning into what your energy field requires me to connect to. Your body will be guiding me and I will only be a channel to you.During 60 to 80 minutes, you will receive a Profound, Deep Cleansing & liberating Energy Healing.As mentioned above, I shall be channeling various frequencies and energy fields, such as Reiki, Tantra, Prana, Kundalini, LNT, and Light Body energy frequencies, allowing your global energy field to activate and open up for it's own expansion & awakening in its own perfect divine timing.Those frequencies bring together the various keys your body requires to unlock, open up, or release what is needed for you at the moment of the activation.This can, on a short or long term, bring considerable changes in ones life.Once the Energy Transmission is complete, i shall guide you back, through grounding, and integrating your energy bodies, for the process to be complete, and I shall go through a short sharing time before we close our group Group Energy Healing session.Upon booking, you shall receive an email with a form you are required to fill in. Should the form not be filled or incomplete, you will not be able to take part in the session. Incorrect or false information provided in this form could lead to health issues or injury, in which case we decline all responsability.---PS : Please Note that you will receive an email from me@olivierborgognon.com between the time you booked, and the time of the call (no specific given time to receive it, as it's a manual process) with the required information for the session (Location, time, recommendations, etc)So check your Spam folder please.
Book a 45-minute Home and Space Clearing online (Zoom) session with me!Booking steps:Step 1: Read more about this session and pay by clicking here: https://bit.ly/SpaceClearingJBMStep 2: Come back to this page and complete your booking!You will be sent a Zoom link via email.Cancellation Policy:All appointments scheduled must be cancelled or rescheduled with more than 24-hours notice to avoid being charged for the session. If you’d like to cancel your private session purchase more than 24 hours ahead of the scheduled session date, we’ll refund you 100% of the total session price.Cancellations within 24 hours to 2 hours of the scheduled session: we'll refund you 50% of the total session price.Cancellations less than 2 hours before the scheduled session: you will not be entitled to a refund.No-shows: If you fail to appear within 15 minutes of your appointment time, you will not be entitled to a refund.Note: There is some flexibility in this policy for emergency situations, but remember a scheduled appointment is time reserved especially for you.
Instalaciones con clientes
Book a 45-minute Home and Space Clearing in-person session with me!Booking steps:Step 1: Read more about this session and pay by clicking here: https://bit.ly/SpaceClearingJBMStep 2: Come back to this page and complete your booking!Note: In-person space clearing sessions take place at the home or space to be cleared. Kindly provide your address when making this type of booking.Cancellation Policy:All appointments scheduled must be cancelled or rescheduled with more than 24-hours notice to avoid being charged for the session. If you’d like to cancel your private session purchase more than 24 hours ahead of the scheduled session date, we’ll refund you 100% of the total session price.Cancellations within 24 hours to 2 hours of the scheduled session: we'll refund you 50% of the total session price.Cancellations less than 2 hours before the scheduled session: you will not be entitled to a refund.No-shows: If you fail to appear within 15 minutes of your appointment time, you will not be entitled to a refund.Note: There is some flexibility in this policy for emergency situations, but remember a scheduled appointment is time reserved especially for you.
Book a 45-minute Entity Clearing online (Zoom) session with me!Booking steps:Step 1: Read more about this session and pay by clicking here: https://bit.ly/EntityClearingJBMStep 2: Come back to this page and complete your booking!You will be sent a Zoom link via email.Cancellation Policy:All appointments scheduled must be cancelled or rescheduled with more than 24-hours notice to avoid being charged for the session. If you’d like to cancel your private session purchase more than 24 hours ahead of the scheduled session date, we’ll refund you 100% of the total session price.Cancellations within 24 hours to 2 hours of the scheduled session: we'll refund you 50% of the total session price.Cancellations less than 2 hours before the scheduled session: you will not be entitled to a refund.No-shows: If you fail to appear within 15 minutes of your appointment time, you will not be entitled to a refund.Note: There is some flexibility in this policy for emergency situations, but remember a scheduled appointment is time reserved especially for you.
Book a 90-minute Coaching and Facilitation online (Zoom) session with me!Booking steps:Step 1: Read more about this session and pay by clicking here: https://bit.ly/CoachingJBMStep 2: Come back to this page and complete your booking!You will be sent a Zoom link via email.Cancellation Policy:All appointments scheduled must be cancelled or rescheduled with more than 24-hours notice to avoid being charged for the session. If you’d like to cancel your private session purchase more than 24 hours ahead of the scheduled session date, we’ll refund you 100% of the total session price.Cancellations within 24 hours to 2 hours of the scheduled session: we'll refund you 50% of the total session price.Cancellations less than 2 hours before the scheduled session: you will not be entitled to a refund.No-shows: If you fail to appear within 15 minutes of your appointment time, you will not be entitled to a refund.Note: There is some flexibility in this policy for emergency situations, but remember a scheduled appointment is time reserved especially for you.