Our primary mission is to help Business Leaders and Top Management Teams save 10x cost with Digital Transformation & reduce 90% business risk with Business Design.🚀🚀We are dedicated to guiding businesses toward success and growth, transforming them into process-driven, customer-centric powerhouses. Nilay ShahFounder & Principal Business ArchitectBefore our call, please:Ensure a stable internet connection for a seamless video call 📡.Find a quiet environment to minimize distractions 🤫.
Date: 23 February 2025 (Sun)Time: 2pm - 5pm Cost: $120Understand the basics of how to make lace. Learn a basic stitch to make a 'Torchon Ground' lace bookmark. Handmade bobbin lace, which has been around since the 16th century, is a type of off-loom weaving created on a “lace pillow” with threads wound on bobbins. Though it might look complicated, all bobbin lace is made with a few repetitive moves, using only four bobbins at a time. Learn the basics of bobbin lacemaking, from winding the bobbins to making four small lace projects, in this introductory class. Coloured threads are used to make it easier to see what is happening. The cost of the workshop is $120 including all materials with the option of purchasing your own lace making starter kit at an additional cost of $90.
Date: 2 March 2025Time: 2pm - 5pmCost: $120/paxSashiko Coaster WorkshopThe workshop seeks to introduce the Japanese traditional folk embroidery that reflects its rich cultural significance and history in sashiko art handstitching. Participants will learn the hand stitching technique of sashiko running stitches on a geometric pattern, which will further equip them to attempt bigger and more complex sashiko motif once mastered the basic techniques. For the adventurous learners, they can move on to mend up torn up areas in clothing or shoes with the sashiko stitches, or simply turned them into an art of itself. The workshop package includes:Sashiko Hana-Fukin Pattern (means ‘Little Kitchen Towel’ 33cm by 33cm)Sashiko Thread (1 skein)Sashiko needleA handsewn pouchA pincushion
Ready to break through barriers and scale your business with confidence?This 45-minute strategy call is designed to evaluate where you stand, identify hidden opportunities, and guide you toward actionable next steps. Whether you're a woman entrepreneur, freelancer, or small business owner, this session will provide clarity and a roadmap tailored to your goals.🌟 What to Expect:✔️ Quick evaluation of your business model, brand positioning & marketing efforts✔️ Identification of gaps & opportunities for growth, visibility & consistent cash flow✔️ Insights into the ‘Discover New Dimensions’ framework—helping you establish authority, attract your ideal audience, and scale efficientlyMy Client's Success StoriesOne of my clients went from struggling with ₹1 lakh per month to earning ₹5 lakh per month in just two months. Another freelancer transitioned from low-ticket projects to high-ticket offers, doubling her revenue while working fewer hours.And I scaled my own business from ₹2 lakh to ₹20 lakh per month in just five months—all while reducing my workload by 40%.This is your first step toward building a powerful brand and business that thrives. Book your session now and let’s make an impact together! 💡✨👉 Schedule Your Call Now
📅 Your Strategy SessionI can show you exactly how to apply my strategies to your business. Fix the problems that are currently stopping you from hitting your current goals on a monthly basis. LIMITED TIME OFFER – for those who've downloaded my free guide only and may be withdrawn at any time.You will receive a Zoom link in your email confirmation, so make sure you make a note of the details, plus you'll receive automated reminders.
Podczas rozmowy dokładnie przeanalizujemy specyfikę Państwa działalności oraz przedstawimy zindywidualizowane rozwiązania IT, które odpowiadają na wyzwania i cele Państwa firmy. Wierzymy, że nasza ekspercka wiedza technologiczna oraz doświadczenie w branży pozwolą wypracować wartościowe rekomendacje.Liczymy, że współpraca zainicjowana tym spotkaniem przełoży się na długotrwałe partnerstwo, wspierające rozwój Państwa organizacji. Dołożymy starań, aby nasze propozycje były nie tylko efektywne, ale również strategicznie dopasowane do Państwa celów biznesowych.
Hello there!This is the ideal way to help you decide if I'm the right counsellor for you, with a no-obligation, 15-minute FREE chat to get to know each other a little and ask any questions you may have.Book in below and I will call you at your chosen time.I look forward to connecting with you.Caroline.