Die Hotellerie und Gastronomie stehen vor einem rasanten Wandel. Wer frühzeitig Trends erkennt und innovative Lösungen nutzt, kann sich entscheidend positionieren. Unsere Beratung fokussiert sich auf Kosten-, Umsatz- und Prozessoptimierung, um Ihnen fundierte Entscheidungsgrundlagen zu bieten und Wettbewerbsvorteile zu sichern. Mit unserem Inspiring Health Check decken wir Einsparpotenziale auf, senken Betriebskosten und helfen, in Zeiten von Inflation und Fachkräftemangel wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Für Eigentümer, die sich aus dem Tagesgeschäft zurückziehen wollen, bieten wir mit Inspiring Management eine ideale Lösung: Wir übernehmen die operative Führung und setzen Ihre Visionen nahtlos um. Inspiring Hospitality Management steht für digitale, effiziente und zuverlässige Lösungen, die Ihr Unternehmen zukunftsfähig machen
Whether you are a Muslimah who feel sad, a Wife who is not happy or a Mom who is all the time asking 'is this still normal?' Im here to help you feel more positive, pleased and peaceful by removing your limiting beliefs and blocks and healing your traumas in Shaa Allah 👐🏼Consultations are provided just for women 🌺
Pay at time of service - We will travel to you within 15 miles of us. If further then there will be a mileage fee. Scars are universal and take on many forms from surgical, broken bones, sprained joints, torn muscles, inflammation, or any areas that are injured with trauma. Emotional events are also considered scars. We all accumulate scars and traumas throughout our lives, and they impact our bodies in many negative ways.The pain and health issues we have in our older years may be directly related to the number and severity of the scars we accumulate over time!Scars’ Negative Influence:Chronic PainActivate StressInjure FasciaImpede Lymph FlowRestrict Functional MovementsTo counter Scars’ negative influence, the Center For Pain & Stress Research (CPSR) has developed and patented the world’s 1st scar reduction, called Scar Release Therapy (SRT).
This Initial interview for potential independent contractors will be done via Zoom or by phone. If there are no available times that meet your schedule, or if you have to reschedule, please, out of professional courtesy, contact me as soon as possible - k.wohlford@magicalvacationplanner.com to let me know.*TidyCal should schedule in your timezone, if it does not please note these will be conducted from Central Time zone.
We are passionate about marriage, relationships, family, parenting and we sure love to talk about them. We began podcasting in 2018 after we got married in China and have since enjoyed sharing our journey with others.We're always excited to meet new people and connect with diverse audiences to share from our experience and also learn from theirs.What you can expect from us as your next podcast guests:1. Timely, respectful email and phone replies.2. A convivial or casual meeting or call to get to know you and your audience better.3. Stories. Yes, we're full of stories and experiences from our life abroad.4. Sincerity and depth in conversation. We value truth and what it is able to do in people's life.Please note, this booking is to set up a preliminary call with us to get to know and understand each other more.
$150 per session.Strengthen Your Marriage with Godly Insights and Guidance.Are you a married couple seeking the joy and fulfillment of a truly godly marriage and home? Our tailored sessions are designed just for you.Gain valuable insights, communication strategies, and guidance to strengthen your relationship. Let us walk alongside you to offer objective and godly insights that could bring clarity to vital aspects of your relationship.While we are not certified counselors, we are a caring, God-fearing, and healthily married couple passionate about sharing our time, knowledge, and counsel to support you in your relationship journey.Book your session today and invest in a blessed and fulfilling future together!Please note that we are currently taking a minimum of four sessions. Be sure to select all the four dates according to your availability during booking.If you prefer a single counseling session, please check out our "Single Session" on the booking page. Thank you!
Book a one-time consultation/counseling session with us. This is typically a good option for those who need imminent intervention or support.If you would like to meet with us over several sessions, please check out other options. Thank you!
Wien um 1900: Ringstraßenära, Aufstieg des Großbürgertums und eine blühende Kunst- und Kulturszene. Abseits der Touristenpfade leben jedoch auch jene, die man oben nicht sehen wollte: Strotter, Bettgeher und Griasler. Diese Menschen bevölkern die Armenhäuser, Wärmestuben und Männerwohnheime und sogar die Kanalisation. Die sozialen Herausforderungen der wachsenden Weltstadt waren enorm. Der Journalist Emil Kläger macht 1908 in seinem Buch "Durch die Wiener Quartiere des Elends und Verbrechens" auf diese Zustände aufmerksam. Mit dieser Führung begeben wir uns auf seine Spuren und erkunden die Schattenseiten Wiens um 1900. Der Spaziergang führt uns vom zweiten Bezirk bis in die Innenstadt.Bitte melden Sie jede Person gesondert an.Treffpunkt: Obere Donaustraße 71, 1020 Wien.Dauer? Rund zwei Stunden.Für wen?Für alle, die Wien noch nicht gut genug kennen.Wetter? Die Führungen finden bei jedem Wetter statt.Kosten? EUR 25,- pro Person.Storno? Wenn Sie sich angemeldet und bezahlt haben, aber doch nicht kommen können, erhalten Sie Ihr Geld zurück. In diesem Fall bitten wir um Ihre Nachricht an ernst.grabovszki@danzigunfried.com.Ich habe noch Fragen! Gerne. Rufen oder schreiben Sie an +436604001040Abonnieren Sie unseren WhatsApp-Kanal, um über unsere Angebote auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben!
$150 per session.Prepare for a Godly Marriage with Our Pre-Marital Counseling.Are you an engaged couple looking to build a strong and godly foundation for your future together? Our pre-marital counseling sessions are designed to equip you with the insights, communication strategies, and guidance you need to start your marriage on the right path.We offer objective and godly insights to help you navigate important topics and challenges before you say, "I do." Our sessions cover vital aspects of a healthy and fulfilling marriage, ensuring you both feel prepared and confident in your commitment.While we are not certified counselors, we are a caring, God-fearing, and happily married couple dedicated to sharing our time, knowledge, and experience with you. We aim to support you in creating a joyful and godly marriage.Book your session today and invest in a blessed and fulfilling future together!Please note that we are currently taking a minimum of four sessions. Be sure to select all the four dates according to your availability during booking.If you prefer a single counseling session, please check out our "One-time Session" on the booking page. Thank you!