On-Demand Booking:A meeting with me for a professional 60 minutes consultation online (Google Meet) to understand, discover and strategise your brand or business that can help you grow fast.You may bring up to 2 guests to this meeting. Please select during the booking.Topics:1. Digitising your business, You want help in bringing your business online. 2. Improving Search engine ranking, Looking to improve your website's visibility and ranking on search engines like Google2. Hiring global team members, You are looking to create global team or scale your existing team.3. Discussing your big idea, tech stack suggestion and how to go for it.5. Need help with large scale web application architecture.6. Need help with web app performance and audit.7. Any other help around Front-end stack for your website or web application.Let's get you across the hurdles to where you want to be this year: I bring 10+ years of consulting experience to the meeting so you are in good hands.About Me:Myself Sahil Gupta, I am helping client from 12+ yrs now with bringing their business online, improving online ranking, scale up complex web applications, improving web applications performance, hiring candidates and consulting. I have worked with clients ranging from from high growth startups to fortune 500 companies. I work closely with clients to achieve their goals. I am passionate about helping businesses succeed and enjoy working with others who share my values.How the booking worksYou'll get a Google meeting invitation link after the booking is complete.Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahil-gupta-frontend-architect/
On-Demand Booking:A meeting with me for a professional 30 minutes consultation online (Google Meet) to understand, discover and strategise your brand or business that can help you grow fast.You may bring up to 2 guests to this meeting. Please select during the booking.Topics:1. Digitising your business, You want help in bringing your business online. 2. Improving Search engine ranking, Looking to improve your website's visibility and ranking on search engines like Google2. Hiring global team members, You are looking to create global team or scale your existing team.3. Discussing your big idea, tech stack suggestion and how to go for it.5. Need help with large scale web application architecture.6. Need help with web app performance and audit.7. Any other help around Front-end stack for your website or web application.Let's get you across the hurdles to where you want to be this year: I bring 10+ years of consulting experience to the meeting so you are in good hands.About Me:Myself Sahil Gupta, I am helping client from 12+ yrs now with bringing their business online, improving online ranking, scale up complex web applications, improving web applications performance, hiring candidates and consulting. I have worked with clients ranging from from high growth startups to fortune 500 companies. I work closely with clients to achieve their goals. I am passionate about helping businesses succeed and enjoy working with others who share my values.How the booking worksYou'll get a Google meeting invitation link after the booking is complete.Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahil-gupta-frontend-architect/
Book a 50 min ACT coaching session here. / Buche hier eine 50 Minuten ACT Coaching Session.
Welcome to YOUR FREE EXCLUSIVE 1-2-1 Call Booking Page with Honey.In this Call, Honey intends to understand you and your life deeply so that she can offer you the breakthrough that will shift something within you and open the doorway to your success!
Are you done with being single and ready for "The One", but don't know where to look?Finding your soulmate can be a matter of* luck,* karma or* the right strategy at work.As a relationship coach and matchmaker, I cannot influence your luck, but I can show you how to build up karma and apply the right strategy to your search in order to end up in a happy, lasting relationship that lasts for this lifetime.This is also for you if you've had a bad hand in choosing your partner. It seems like you attract those who end up hurting you.I want to invite you to give it a try and schedule this call.This call can change your fate and the fate of "The One" who is out there, looking for you and wondering where the heck you are!There is hope for you, but only if you don't delay any further.Time and time zones - right below "Select Date," you can set it to match your time zone. TidyCal usually detects it, but just double-check that the time zone is aligned with yours. See you at the meeting!Wishing you lots of LOVE into your life.Gabriele StraskyRelationship specialist, speaker, matchmakerAuthor of the upcoming book "LOVE LIKE ROMEO & JULIET WITHOUT THE TROUBLE OF HAVING TO DIE"https://www.gabrielestrasky.com/
Hier kannst Du direkt einen Online-Termin für Dein wohngesundes Zuhause buchen!Für DichFür Deine FamilieFür Dein UnternehmenMehr Harmonie, mehr Gesundheit, weniger Stress. Wir helfen Dir bei der Umsetzung!Such Dir am besten gleich einen passenden Termin aus!Hinweise: Die Beratung erfolgt ausschließlich in deutscher Sprache!Die angegebene Zeit ist die Maximalzeit der Beratung. Mehr dazu in den FAQs.
Lieu: 92 Rue Nicolas Martha L-2133 LuxembourgAnamnèse: Nous explorerons ensemble votre histoire de vie, en nous concentrant sur les facteurs environnementaux, émotionnels, alimentaires et familiaux. Cette démarche nous aide à identifier les éléments influençant votre bien-être et votre état de santé actuel. Votre environnement, qu’il s’agisse de votre cadre de vie, de votre alimentation, de votre situation émotionnelle ou d’événements significatifs, peut avoir une influence profonde sur votre parcours de santé.
Book a call! This 60-minute meeting is not a sales pitch, you CANNOT buy anything on this call. This is simply a conversation. Let's have an in-depth discussion about your marketing needs and goals. This is basically an interview, we must be in agreement that we are a good fit for you and you are a good fit for us. During this session we will address your questions and concerns.Let's have a chat.*This call does not guarantee that we will provide services. Iridium Digital Media: www.iridiumdm.comHost: Rod WilsonThis is a Google Meet, video call. (Zoom available upon request)