¡RESERVA SÓLO PARA IMPOSTORAS DECLARADAS!!Si estás apuntada al taller de Impostoras a Competentes, aquí puedes reservar tu sesión individual de 50 minutos :)¡IMPORTANTE!: Si tienes que modificar tu reserva, tienes que avisarme por Telegram o por WhatsApp al 668 692 652 con 48h de antelación. Si no lo haces, perderás tu sesión
€50 acconto servizioBambino + genitori, fratelli, nonni, e anche amici a quattro zampe servizio fotografico in studio (zona Tuscolana- parcheggio riservato) abbigliamento e accessori per bambinifoto vivaci, sincere, vere, succose e potenti nell'elaborazione dell’autore
Bring your intentions as I guide you into your heart's memories in this 45-minute journey,• I will pull an oracle card for you from my Self-Mastery Oracle Deck to bring you in deeper to the aspect/s of you that you are ready to explore.• I use my ancient language to open up a rainbow bridge into your cosmic and earthly memories of who you are.These aspects may be from earlier memories in this life, past lives or off-planet cosmic memories.• You get to explore your intuitive senses, remember your stories, ask questions and retrieve the aspects of you that are ready to show up in your life experience here in this body. These aspects may be from earlier life memories, past lives or off-planet cosmic memories.• You will receive free bonus access to the digital Self-Mastery Oracle Deck app!**Please come to the session well-hydrated and eat a light snack so you're not running on empty. You may bring a notebook to write anything down that comes up in the session. You may record the session to review and reflect upon your experience as you integrate your memories.I look forward to traveling with you!Melanie Adrianna
Being sober is like you are discovering a whole new version of yourself! I'm here to make things more clear for you and to support you in your new life....This will be a call where I will see how I can help you achieve that goal that you've been chasing for farrr too long and make it into a reality.We will discuss how that goal has been out of your grasp for far too long, why it's important to you, why you feel like you just aren't there yet, and how I can help you be there and get it. You've read this far, so that would mean that you are ready to have it in your life. This is a new chapter for you. It's a wonderful thing.Next Step: Book The Onboarding Call and continue to be the best sober version of yourself.
Book a meeting with me for 20 minutes!-Booking a meeting is Easy, like the conversation we’ll have. If you prefer a live video call, we can do so as well. This meeting is for you so please ask any questions you may have. We will start with an introduction and ultimately get you prequalified.This Meeting Includes:Birds eye view of your home buying goal.Current Financial OverviewPreQualifying RoadmapFirst and Second StepsHome Search StatusWhat We Do for You.Q&ATalk with you soon,EasyMortgagePrequal.com
Comprende las claves del tratamiento en rellenos estrella pre verano. El tratamiento de relleno de glúteos está cada vez más en auge, aprovecha la oportunidad y fórmate en esta técnica.
Analiza los tipos de ojeras y como abordarlas a través de rellenos faciales.
We jump on a zoom call to discuss yourCurrent nutrition in & out of campCurrent training scheduleNutritional strategies applied during fight weekThe main aspects of nutrition you struggle withThen we dive into how I can help you take control of your nutrition so that you can enhance your performance in and out of camp, make your weight cut as easy as possible, while ensuring your health is at the forefront of everything we do.Let's jump on and elevate your game to the next level 📈