Thank you for reaching out. Please do schedule a 30 minute connection call so we can explore together how I can help support you & see if we are a good fit.Ruth Veda
Здравей,Замислял ли си се, че когато напишеш целите си имаш ясна представа какво искаш и как да го постигнеш?Аз наскоро прочетох моите цели за 2024 година и с изненада открих, че съм сбъднала повечето от тях и сега имам нужда да начертая нови цели и мечти.Каня те да го направим заедно на 25.11.2024 в 17.30 английско време, 19.30 българско време
Book a meeting with me for 60 minutes!
Book a meeting with our team either via phone or google meet/zoom and learn how our monthly web design plans can benefit you or your business and have all your questions answered.
Los Registros Akáshicos son el archivo cósmico que contiene cada pensamiento, emoción y experiencia de cada ser humano a lo largo de la historia. Esta herramienta espiritual, te permite sanar, crecer y transformar tu vida de maneras extraordinarias.
Te enseño a ser feliz! Ya sea que estés buscando alivio, un deseo de crecimiento personal, mis sesiones, están diseñadas para satisfacer tus necesidades únicas.Mi compromiso es capacitarte para que vivas una vida más plena y armoniosa. Te amarás!!!
Book a meeting with me for 15 minutes!
Como Comisionado de Juramentos, te ayudaré a formalizar documentos legales con validez en Canadá.¿Qué esperar de esta cita?Revisión del documentoConfirmación de tu identidadToma de juramento o afirmación solemnePresenciar la firma del documentoFirma y sello oficial.
This 15-20 minute call is your opportunity to explore how we can work together to overcome the challenges you're facing. We'll dive into your unique situation, discuss your goals, and see if my coaching approach feels like the right fit for you.PLEASE CHECK JUNK/SPAM FOLDER FOR BOOKING CONFIRMATION & MEETING LINK* If none of these time slots available work for you, feel free to contact me via email and I can try manually put something in for you!