Podczas tej 15-minutowej rozmowy:Opowiesz mi o swoich celach i wyzwaniach (ból pleców? brak energii? nadwaga?)Otrzymasz 2-3 sprawdzone wskazówki, które przyniosły efekty moim klientom (Wojtek -25kg, Kamil -40kg!)Poznasz konkretny plan działania dopasowany do Twojego trybu życiaWybierz termin, który pasuje do Twojego grafiku. Ta konsultacja jest całkowicie bezpłatna i niezobowiązująca - ale może być pierwszym krokiem do Twojej przemiany.
Lead a conversation that is meaningful, educational, and supportive for Entrepreneurs &/Or Small Business Owners.You will have 20 minutes to present, 10 minutes Q&A. Attendees will use the remaining time to have several 3-4-minute Quick Connect sessions in break-out rooms with others. Connecting and discussing their takeaways from the presentation.
Agenda una hora con la psicóloga Paula Arroyo, atención a adolescentes, adultos y parejas, desde un enfoque integral, cuenta con diplomados en terapia sistémica breve. Atendiendo principalmente trastornos de ansiedad, trastornos del estado de ánimo y procesos de duelos y problemas de pareja. Espacio seguro para personas LGBT+. "Mi motivación radica en apoyar a las personas hacia el bienestar emocional a través de una combinación de enfoques terapéuticos y teóricos. Las sesiones se realizan en estrecha colaboración con los consultantes para establecer metas, desarrollar habilidades de afrontamiento y fomentar un mayor autoconocimiento.Si estás buscando un espacio seguro para abordar tus preocupaciones emocionales, superar desafíos o embarcarte en un viaje de crecimiento personal, permíteme acompañarte en cada paso del camino."Paula Arroyo A.
Get out of your mind and into your body for a short burst of 30minsI do do this to;- support myself by connecting with my body and letting go of the thoughts- release, shake out stuck energy and emotions - honour myself in the present moment with some playfulness & musicI love music and I love to dance (or rather just move), so these 30 minutes are loosely guided by me with such things as:A body scan Connecting with the breath Shaking it out, tapping it out, stretching Free dance - taking up our rightful space in the worldAny noise, movement goesA moment of stillness & connection to your inner child.Camera on or camera off whatever works for you."It's not about how it looks, it's about how it feels"All you need to do is:Invite in movement, curiosity & playInvite your inner child to comeI will be there with my inner child 'Alice'. Alice remembers the freedom from being about 8years old, wearing a skirt and spinning round and round to music, giggling...
You wanted a happy marriage, but got a divorce instead?You've suffered enough.Whether you've had relationship handlings, therapies or advice before or not, you tried your best but it did not work out and devorce was inevitable.Yes, there can be love after a failed marriage.While you are competent in subjects in which you were educated, love and finding the right partner is not taught at school. This, however, is not your fault.To make sure your future is clear and leads you into the arms of a partner thatLoves you the way you are.Will be by your side.Will build a great and lasting relationship with you.Helps you to become the partner you want to be.There might be things a matchmaker can help you with that can lead to a happy relationship much faster than anticipated.I want to invite you to give it a try and schedule this call.This call can change your fate, the fate of your future spouse and the fate of your children.There is hope for you, but only if you don't delay any further.Time and time zones - right below "Select Date," you can set it to match your time zone. TidyCal will detect it, but just double-check that the time zone is aligned with yours. See you at the meeting!Wishing you lots of LOVE into your life.Gabriele StraskyRelationship specialist, speaker, matchmakerAuthor of the upcoming book "LOVE LIKE ROMEO & JULIET WITHOUT THE TROUBLE OF HAVING TO DIE"https://www.gabrielestrasky.com/
Esta sesión incluye una entrevista de 1h-1.15h aproximadamente, valoración individualizada y entrega de pautas iniciales.> SE REVISA:Historia clínicaEstilo de vidaValoración de pruebas complementariasSalud hormonalSalud digestiva - intestinalDiagnóstico nutricionalPlanteamiento de objetivosDerivación a profesionales para pruebas diagnósticas y análisis> SE ENTREGA:Resultado del diagnóstico nutricionalPropuesta análisis clínicoRecomendaciones nutricionalesMenús individualizadosPropuesta de suplementaciónMaterial extra en función del caso: recetas, guías explicativas, ...Si no encuentras una cita que cuadre con tus horarios, escríbeme un email a marinajimeneznutri@gmail.com y miraremos de solucionarlo.Nos vemos pronto,Marina
1-2-1 Compassionate Inquiry Session A confidential space to explore your struggles, triggers, pain, embarrassments, behaviours, and secrets. Together, we’ll work to uncover the underlying reasons behind your actions & reactions, helping you gain deeper understanding and empowering you to make more conscious, aligned choices that feel right and great for you.
Thank you for reaching out. Please do schedule a 30 minute connection call so we can explore together how I can help support you & see if we are a good fit.Ruth Veda
Здравей,Замислял ли си се, че когато напишеш целите си имаш ясна представа какво искаш и как да го постигнеш?Аз наскоро прочетох моите цели за 2024 година и с изненада открих, че съм сбъднала повечето от тях и сега имам нужда да начертая нови цели и мечти.Каня те да го направим заедно на 25.11.2024 в 17.30 английско време, 19.30 българско време